Like a Penny

Originally posted on March 21, 2016 at Mothers Always Write

Like a Penny


We entered the room in parade formation,

our gait slow and rehearsed.

The silence of the ventilator paralyzes me.

Visible is the incubator, it sits empty.  

The revelation removes the air from my body,

my bones dissolve. I am offered a metal chair. 

Denial embeds itself firmly

within the farthest recesses of thought,

helping my mind move forward.

Various people collect around me, but they 

arrived too late to bar the door from dread.

Fear followed their path through the entrance,

pushing promise aside, disregarding

my pleas to stay at bay.

And, as if fear itself was

a relation, it settled in to observe me,

expecting me to turn and nod.

Reality moved into the sterile, hushed room next,

without invitation or welcome,

its heavy hand on my shoulder.

The last shards of hope strangled by its presence,

slowly building to suffocate me

with a clench that refused to loosen.

A loved one squeezed my hand but only 

my heart felt the grip.

Nestled within my mind

I concealed a scream that was

suppressed by news not yet broken.

And like a penny on the tracks

I lost my shape

as fear morphed into

despair and pushed inside the room.

Without a chance to inhale

the Doctor’s voice spilled into the air.

His gentle whisper sliced my reality

with the words,

She is no longer

and like that penny,

I felt worthless.

A Death in the Family

Underneath the box is a stand

Upon the box there is a polish

An engraved flower

Around the box is a cold gray

Beyond that box is a chapel

Inside the chapel there is another box

On a stand like the first

Within the same cold gray

Beside the box is nothing

But unhappiness

Aside from the box

There are no important features

Of the onlookers who grieve in sorrow

With the people who loved him dear

Throughout the day people cry

About the boy they knew so well

Above the ground he lays now

Under it he will rest soon

Among the people that grieve

There is someone who sticks out

Except for the preacher

He is the only one who didn’t know the boy

Between the Mother and the Brother

Stood the Father he never knew

Until the day the mourners move on

His face will be ever present…

By Dylan Spencer


Photo Credit: Ann Schneider

This was taken in the city of Prague.

The Jewish cemetery, 300 years of graves. They only were given a small plot…

… so raising the stones and adding another layer!




Together in the Exodus

in  trains

in gas chambers

in closets

in attics

in diaries

in death

in faith

and in the single tear

that rolls down my


Thank you so much for this honor!
Love those around you for who they are and what they mean to you!
Life can be short, life can  be long
but either way a life of love makes it special!
Remember to
and Create!


My heart

heavier than

the box

I carry


My mind

lost in

knowing what

I must do


I look up


His loving



I see the sky





I know

its time


let go


My legs

dragging my

weary heart

to the top


The box



my grip


The carved


marking my


I am





Where I







Thank you so much!

I would like to nominate


Why do the sands of time have

to fall

and empty our souls upon

the blades of grass



seem to be cut.


Why must youth be


and lost when it

seems as if it has only


been found.


Why must we look


and find that what

once was there

has been



Why should I

worry about

the things I can not

control but instead


ahead to the future


Is it because

I fell

I was stolen

 I looked back

 I worried?


Is it?




Thank you so much!

May your pen keep flowing

and your mind keep showing


the way!

I nominate:

Sweet Child

Who is this upon my stair

A girl with locks of golden hair

Why does she weep such pitiful tears

Seeming full of many fears

Get up dear child, do not dismay

for life will hand you a new day

one of promise,  hope and cheer

get up, get up you silly dear

Now that’s the spirit, move on, be brave

Turn about and move and wave

Goodbye young heart with heart so sweet

until a day we once again meet

Now upon my porch lay no one sad

Perhaps I was hasty, yes just a tad

To send the child off down the street

for a gentle girl, who was so sweet

Alone I sit on the third step

by myself where the small child once wept

Down to where I sent her I glance

Maybe she is there, maybe there’s a chance

Indeed I see her, slowly moving

to a destination not of her choosing

I yell to her to return to me

Her face turns and is filled with glee

Come little one and tell me your name

I will get you back  from which you came

Silly of me to let you go

When surely your life is full of woe

Tell me your problems and together we shall see

What help an old lady like me can be

Now up to the very top stair

Go young child with the golden locks of hair.





Poets Rally Week 54

Hosting Beauty….2

Petals dangling

Threatening to join

the others below

already shed by time


to the cool, black granite

Their edges showing signs

of age

Their stay in the crystal

expiring soon

Once fragrant,

the precious blooms wither

The clock ticks

simple symbol

of nature

that brings such joy

Soon the vase will

lose its guests

For now, though, we wait

for every last petal

to fall…


Thank you so much!

I nominate Becca Givens

A dazzling night

so perfect to see

Pale colors that sing

to me!


No Escape

No Escape

Walking Slowly…

Fearing Nothing…

Eyes are Wide…

Same old Story…

World of Lies…

No Escape…

Pale Sunlight…

Livid Moonlight…

Burning Stars…

Turn to Ashes…

Broken Down…

Given Up…

Sea of Anger…

No Escape…

Looking Back…

Not so Bad…

Seeing Life…

Through new Mind…

Wish I hadn’t…

Thought so Bad…

Of Myself…

And my Friends…

New Beginnings…

And Old Ties…

I will take Them…

Till I die…

No Escape…

From this Pain…

From this Joy…

Without you…

I am Lost…

Come back to Me…

From where you’ve gone…

No Escape…

*This is a poem done by my teenage son.  He is quite the writer, published before me even!!  He is letting me use this

for Rally 48!  He would love your input!


“Encouragement lifts the heart of a novice writer”

I am blown away by all the great comments and The Perfect Poet Award!

Thank you!

-son of Poetryroad

My son would like to nominate: